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Bedroom Dressers & Nightstands
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At Bears in the Woods Amish Furniture we realize that it takes just the right dresser or nightstand to piece together a bedroom. It's these bedroom items that compliment your bedrooms décor. Most of our bedroom furniture is available in several different woods and finishes. Please call one of our Amish Furniture Specialist for complete details or email us today!

(19w-18d-25t) Item # 11MDW-FS-NS 1D1DR

(19w-18d-25t) Item # 11MDW-FS-NS-3D

with 2 Door 1 Drawer (24w-18d-31.5t) Item # 11MDW-FS-NS 1D2DR

(68w-22d-35t) Item # 11MDW-FS-68D

(68w-22d-59t) Item # 11MDW-FS-DCD

Trifold Mirror (53w-49.5t) 11MDW-FSTVM PLAIN Dresser (68w-22d-35t) item# 11MDW-FS-68D

(24w-18d-30t) Item # 11SV-7-41

(24w-18d-30t) Item # 11SV-7-43

(24w-18d-30t) Item # 11SV-7-42

(shown with optinal mirror) (66w-22d-37t) Item # 11SV-7-52

Tri-View Mirror (54w-44t) item# 11HRW-3024 7 Drawer Dresser (65w-19.75d-33.75t) Item # 11HRW-2174

with Arched Mirror (56.25w-21d-35.5t) Item # 11HRW-9010

(21.75w-19d-27t) Item # 11HRW-9020