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Bedroom Chests
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Make a statement and complete your bedroom furniture by adding an Amish handcrafted solid wood bedroom Chest. Most our Chests are available in several different woods and finishes. Please call one of our Amish Furniture Specialist for complete details or email us today!

NBS Raised Panel (42W-18D-20T) Item # 11RT-10-MS

(29W-16D-17T) Item # 11RT-7-WF

Medium with Seat Rail (42W-18D-20T) Item # 11RT-18-SRP

Standard Size (shown in Quarter Sawn) (46W-20.25D-20.5T) Item # 11RT-12-FT

Medium (42W-18D-20T) Item # 11RT-10-WF

Small (36W-17D-19T) Item # 11RT-5-WF-CARV

Standard (shown in Brown Maple) (46W-20D-21T) Item # 11RT-17-WF-CARV

Solid Cedar Standard with 0-4 Front (46 x 21 x 20) Item# 11AE-17-WF

Medium (42W-18D-20T) Item # 11RT-10-WF-CARV