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Dining Room Buffets and Servers
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Bears in the Woods Amish Furniture will help you create your own unique dining room look by adding a buffet into your mix of furniture! Most Buffets are available in several different woods and finishes. Please call one of our Amish Furniture Specialist for complete details or email us today!

Item # 4HC (58w-21.5d-50t)

Item # 4HC (60w-20d-48t)

Item # 4HC (49w-18d-52.5t)

(58.5w-18.5d-31.25t) Item # 4MDL-252

Item # 4HC (48W-20D-42T)

Item # 4HC (66w-18d-38t)

with Server Tray item# 4MDL-353 (52.75w-19.5d-35.5t)

with Wine Rack Item # 4HC (63w-20d-35t)

Item # 4HC (58w-20d-50t)

Item # 4HC (56w-20d-50t)

with Plate Rack (60w-20d-49t) Item # 4MDL-355-PR

Item # 4HC (49w-21d-36t)

(32.5 wall space- 83t) Item # 4MDL-350

with Pull-Out Server (56w-16d-36t) Item # 4MDL-6

with Back Splash (60w-20.5d-42t) Item # 4MDL-103